Oral Cancer
Oral cancer or
mouth cancer is a nature of head and neck cancer, is any cancerous tissue progress found
in the oral cavity.
It may arise as a
main lesion creating in any of the tissues in the mouth, by metastasis from a aloof
site of origin,or by extension from a immediate anatomic structure such as the
nasal cavity.
Oral cancer can seem as a
lesion or tumor anywhere in the mouth.
In the early stages, there
are often no signs or symptoms, but smokers and heavy drinkers should have
regular checkups with the dentist, as they may identify early signs.
Signs and symptoms include
. spots on the lining of the
mouth or tongue, usually red or red and white in color
. mouth ulcers or sores that
do not heal
. swelling that persists for
over 3 weeks
. a lump or thickening of the
skin or lining of the mouth
. pain when swallowing
. loose teeth with no
apparent reason
. poorly fitting dentures
. jaw pain or stiffness
. a sensation that something
is stuck in the throat
. painful tongue
. hoarse voice
. pain in the neck or ear
that does not go away
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