Conference LLC invites all the participants from all over the world to attend “ Cancer Genomics Conference: New Era for Cancer Prevention ” which is to be held in Dubai, UAE on 25 th – 26 th June. This includes a well organized scientific event consisting workshops, symposiums, exhibitions of oncological instruments, new diagnostic therapies and special sessions for young researchers and students with modern and advance research from top universities, research centers, hospitals. Conference Highlights: Oncology Cancer Biomarkers Cancer Epidemiology Cancer: Types and Stages Cancer Immunology Cancer Genomics Diagnosis of cancer Stem cell therapy in cancers Breast cancer Screening and prevention of cancer Organ Specific Cancer Radiation Oncology Gynecologic Oncology Pediatric Oncology Neuro-oncology Oncology Nursing Cancer Pharmacology Anticancer Drugs and surgery Conference URL : https://cancergenomics.cancersummit.org...